• HCG Pregnancy Test
  • HCG Pregnancy Test

    One- Step (combo) HCG Pregnancy Test

    The hCG test is a reliable, fast one-step qualitative immunoassay test for detecting human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in urine or both urine and serum specimens. 
         ◇  Rapid qualitative results in 2-5 minutes
         ◇  10 mlU/mL, 20 mlU/mL, 25mlU/mL sensitivity
         ◇  99% accuracy Built-in procedural control
         ◇  Take sample any time of day

    hCG tests are available in strip, cassette and midstream format. The reliable and convenient test has the sensitivity of 10 mlU/mL, 20 mlU/mL, 25mlU/mL, making it an effective aid in early detection of pregnancy. The One-Step (combo) hCG Pregnancy Test is suitable for both professional and home use.